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Image 1970

Lunch with Sonia Still 1

Federico Restrepo

We created, workshopped and then performed this piece between 2018 and 2021. Lunch with Sonia is a dance puppet theatre piece, inspired by Restrepo’s true-life experience with his Aunt Sonia, who decided to end her life with dignity after a long illness at the age of 72. The show uses puppets, live actors, music, video and physical theatre to deal with the themes of life, love, and loss.

Conversations about assisted dying bring up controversial and emotionally fraught issues: morality, religion, politics, and faith. With this piece, Loco7 hopes to acknowledge the incredible intimacy and the very personal nature of dying as the final event of living a self-actualized, individual human life and to move the dialogue from the philosophical arena to the realm of personal experience and stories related to the topic of Death with Dignity.