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Gene's Bluebird Houses 2

Gene Wasserman

"I build them in my garage, and I design them. You can use all kinds of materials. I started out using pine wood which doesn’t last very long. Now I use cedar because it’s rough on the outside and smooth on the inside, a perfect place for bluebirds to nest. And it’s a really nice wood to work with.
There's a lot that goes into making birdhouses. There are vent holes so it doesn't get too hot and the roof is nice and big so that rain doesn't get in there. You don't want water in there because the nest will get wet and the birds who don't have feathers yet will get too cold and won't survive. The block on the front is a predator guard to keep raccoons from reaching the birds.
I put a picture of a bluebird that I took inside each birdhouse kit. It’s a picture of a bluebird on a flag. It’s my thank you note to them for getting a birdhouse and helping the bluebirds."