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A drawing made with various mediums like pencil, colored pencil, oil pastel, charcoal, and pen on sketchbook paper. Within the drawing are different sections. Starting at the top left corner, around 11 o’clock to 5 o’clock is a diagonal column that leads is filled with the black outlines of four faces with abstract body parts drawn within them. Around 7 o’clock in the bottom left corner is a waved black line separating two sketches of faces within shaded graphite. Around 2 o’clock, in the top right corner, is a chair sitting in front of a red paneled background. Beneath the chair is a sketched eye and starting around 3 o’clock is a line that resembles part of a face. From 2 o’clock to 5 o’clock there are three red circles of different sizes with purple lines marking out eyes and mouths.

(Me) seeing through the U.S.

Wasani Lynch

I have three drawing pieces that I wish to share because they embody my feelings and frustrations with COVID-19 and the many controversial incidents that have occurred up until recently. May they be racial, social, political, economic, or personal.