Viewing 1621 items in this data set

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  • ctc19site:sortKey: Vases
  • A collage of the same photograph of a discarded red COVID mask partially covered with sand on a sandy ground. The mask is folded as if it has been used. In the center are nine squares of this image, surrounded by increasingly smaller squares of the same image filling the background repeatedly.
    About This Time. Four variations on discarded PPE masks. 3
    digital photographs
    Virginia -78.4927721 37.1232245
  • A collage of the same photograph of a discarded, black COVID mask upside down on a sandy ground. The mask is folded as if it has been used. In the center are nine squares of this image, surrounded by increasingly smaller squares of the same image filling the background repeatedly, the color inverting.
    About This Time. Four variations on discarded PPE masks. 4
    digital photographs
    Virginia -78.4927721 37.1232245
  • A sky pictured in black and white. Different trees line the bottom of the image, with one tall tree towards the left reaching up to the top of the photograph. A flock of birds fill the cloudy sky.
    Birdclock 1
    digital photographs
    Jennifer Cabral
    Lawrenceville, NJ -74.7373728 40.3009876
  • Homemade paint swatches of different hues of pink, brown, yellow, purple, green, blue, and black. There are 12 squares divided into two rows of six with each swatch being given a name of a different bird: summer tanager, song sparrow, purple martin, american goldfinch, wood thrush, common yellowthroat, eastern meadowlark, carolina wren, eastern bluebird, red-winged blackbird, yellow warbler, and hermit thrush.
    Birdclock 2
    digital images
    Jennifer Cabral
    Lawrenceville, NJ -74.7373728 40.3009876
  • A chart of 54 homemade, square paint swatches in hues of brown, blue, and yellow. The swatches are arranged in different patterns throughout the chart.
    Birdclock 3
    digital images
    Jennifer Cabral
    Lawrenceville, NJ -74.7373728 40.3009876
  • A black and white double exposure picture of two native people–the Assiniboine–wearing traditional native headdresses and regalia. The two are looking to the right side, their image overlapping with those of human skulls, animal skulls, and a mountain plain.
    Take As A Giving 1
    digital images
    Jennifer Cabral
    Lawrenceville, NJ -74.7373728 40.3009876
  • A black and white double exposure image of a native person from the Assiniboine tribe, wearing a traditional headdress and regalia. The person is turned to the left and holding a thin object that resembles a spear. Behind them are a group of animals running through hilly plains.
    Take As A Giving 2
    digital images
    Jennifer Cabral
    Lawrenceville, NJ -74.7373728 40.3009876
  • A black and white double exposure image of a young native person from the Assiniboine tribe standing next to a taller person wrapped in a patterned cloth. Overlaid in the center is a tower of rocks, and behind them are mountains.
    Take As A Giving 3
    digital images
    Jennifer Cabral
    Lawrenceville, NJ -74.7373728 40.3009876
  • An outdoor scene where a child who has long hair and is wearing a dress is pictured running through a street. The image is in black in white, the background lined with palm trees and a water fountain. Towards the right and encompassing the child is a circle where the color is negative, making the trees white and the sky in the background black.
    Membranes 1
    digital images
    Jennifer Cabral
    Lawrenceville, NJ -74.7373728 40.3009876
  • A person wearing a long sleeve, cuffed jeans, and white socks, sitting on carpet and pictured in black and white. Their right leg is bent at the knee, their foot touching their left thigh. They are leaning down slightly, so their left hand is reaching over their right shin. Towards the right is a circle where the color is negative, encompassing most of the person’s right leg and hand.
    Membranes 2
    digital images
    Jennifer Cabral
    Lawrenceville, NJ -74.7373728 40.3009876
  • A dining room scene with an older person sitting at a table alone in an eclectic room, pictured in black and white. The person sits at a small round table, facing the left side and is eating. They are wearing a plaid short sleeve shirt, shorts, and boat shoes. Behind the person is a framed abstract painting, and two floor lamps are on the left side. A living room chair and couch are placed towards the bottom left corner. Towards the center and encompassing the person is a circle where the color is negative.
    Membranes 3
    digital images
    Jennifer Cabral
    Lawrenceville, NJ -74.7373728 40.3009876
  • A black and white, negative image of a person pictured from the nose down. They are wearing a light colored shirt and have shoulder length hair that glows white from the color grading. Their mouth is open, as if they were about to speak.
    Jennifer Cabral
    Lawrenceville, NJ -74.7373728 40.3009876
  • An abstract painting on canvas painted with various mediums, including acrylic, india inks, and giclee paints. The background is a mix of vibrant blues, greens, and pinks. A large circle is in the center with a mostly pink and neon green background. Inside of the circle are chaotic lines of bright and dark colors overlapping each other in all directions.
    Untitled 1
    finger paintings (visual works)
    Baltimore, Maryland -76.610759 39.2908816
  • Abstract paintings and crafts made with various paints; such as acrylic, giclee, and india inks.

The painting to the top right corner depicts five warm-colored circles that get larger in size on a light blue background, with long strokes of dark green connecting to some of the circles and separating others. Thin, dark, circular splatters of paint overlap the piece. Underneath the piece are rectangular strips of paper arranged in a sunburst shape, each piece has a small hole at the end, and is splattered with blue. A vertical piece of paper connects the sunburst to a horizontal piece, splattered with yellow. To the left of the sunburst are nine horizontal strips of paper splattered with red, yellow, and blue. To the far left is another sunburst arranged like the first, with thin, circular splatters. To the bottom right corner is another abstract painting with a large, brown stroke and smaller red and blue paint splatters.
    Perspective Project 1
    sculpture (visual works)
    Baltimore, Maryland -76.610759 39.2908816

An abstract paper sculpture made with rectangular strips of paper that come together to form the shape of a ball, with gaps between each strip. The strips are painted with various mediums, like acrylic, india inks, and giclee paints. Each piece has a variety of colors decorating it: there is a strip with an array of reds with darker paint splotches; the next a dark blue-purple that turns green towards the bottom; a multicolored strip that’s blue at the top; a green strip with red splotches; a mostly white piece with colorful yellow, purple, and green splotches; a mostly white strip with blots of yellow and red; and another multicolored strip.
    Perspective Project 2
    sculpture (visual works)
    Baltimore, Maryland -76.610759 39.2908816
  • An abstract painting on canvas painted with various mediums, including acrylic, india inks, and giclee paints. The background is a mix of blue and green in the upper left corner. A large circle takes up the remainder of the canvas with a mostly pink and purple background. Inside of the circle are chaotic lines and splatters of darker greens and purples overlapping each other in all directions.
    Untitled 2
    finger paintings (visual works)
    Baltimore, Maryland -76.610759 39.2908816
  • An abstract painting on canvas painted with various mediums, including acrylic, india inks, and giclee paints. The background of the painting is black in the bottom with angular thin strokes of bright orange decorating the black. Bright green fills the remainder of the background. Throughout the piece are four circles of different sizes. The circle towards the bottom left has a blue background and organic tan and red colored shapes within it; red lines overlap it from all directions. The circle towards the top right has a blue background and is filled with overlapping red and tan lines. The two circles towards the top left and bottom right have a green background and more chaotic red and orange overlapping lines.
    Untitled 3
    finger paintings (visual works)
    Baltimore, Maryland -76.610759 39.2908816
  • Text in the shape of an American flag. Above the flag is the title in bold: “Untitled [American, 2020], and beneath that the words in italics: “Consisting of unedited excerpts from CNN’S “Bottom Line” #CNNTownHall, April 23, 2020 at 9pm”. The sentences are fragmented to create the Union and the stripes. The text in the union is in bold while the stripes are standard lettering. The text reads: “How long do asymptomatic carry virus in their body”, “Is there a plan to do random testing”, “How will summer camp work with social distancing”, “Can the virus be transmitted by touching tennis balls”, “Is life back to normal in #wuhan”, “How are Native Americans faring”, “Why are there tests available for pets and zoo animals”, “Do I need to be worried about my cat”, “Is it safe to give blood”, “Is it safe to visit my grandchildren”, “Does the virus live in grass or pavement”, “How long does it stay on surfaces, like subway seats and hand rail”, “How do you tell the difference between allergies and covid 19”, “Why is it that some people have different symptoms”, “Why does the USA have many more deaths”, “How can students and staff be safe in school with 30 kids in one class”, “What kinds of masks should kids wear”, “Does constant use of hand sanitizer make it any less effective”, “How long does the virus take on your face before traveling into your respiratory tract”, “Can covid be a cause of heart failure”, Can sunlight kill coronavirus”, “Is it safe to go to the dentist”, “How are they progressing regarding a vaccine”, “When will it be safe to go back to college”, “What are your thoughts on personal swimming pool use this summer”, “Do they think mosquitoes will be able to spread the virus”, “Can coronavirus travel on cigarette smoke”, “How long do you think can quarantine last”, “How do I talk to someone who doesn’t understand the gravity of the situation”, “Does the federal government have the power to shut down Georgia”, “What exactly is the criteria for “recovered”’, “How long will we live with the virus”.
    Untitled [American, 2020]
    Pittsburgh -79.9900861 40.4416941
  • Shade Gardening
    Richard Mier
    West Virginia -80.8408415 38.4758406
  • Terra Cognita
    Richard Mier
    West Virginia -80.8408415 38.4758406
  • Shiny One
    Richard Mier
    West Virginia -80.8408415 38.4758406
  • Lessons
    Richard Mier
    West Virginia -80.8408415 38.4758406
  • Turtles Can Talk?
    Richard Mier
    West Virginia -80.8408415 38.4758406
  • Hiking the Antietam Battlefield
    Richard Mier
    West Virginia -80.8408415 38.4758406
  • Death of a Cedar Waxwing
    Richard Mier
    West Virginia -80.8408415 38.4758406
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