Viewing 3 items in this data set

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  • A print of a baseball done in ink. The background is black and white with many, small, vertical stripes. Behind the stripes are repeated rectangles, three across the width of the piece and more going up the piece. It is very abstract and not exact. The baseball is a black circle with many scratches of white, focusing on the center and dispersing to the edge. The laces of the baseball are also represented with red and outlined in white.
    Untitled 5
    impressions (prints)
    Charles Boone
  • A sgraffito style, black and white print of a lawn chair with a map in the background. The background has a few thick black lines running across the piece, turning at right angles, symbolizing roads. In the middle of the right side of the piece is a square made by these roads and inside the square reads “FERNWOOD PARK”. The road that makes up the left side of this square is labels “W 104th”. The other roads have some labeling, but not all are distinguishable. In the center of the piece is an Adirondack chair. The wood grain is accentuated as is the grass beneath it.
    Untitled 6
    impressions (prints)
    Charles Boone
  • A sgraffito style print of a cassette tape. The background of the cassette has squares in the colors red, blue, yellow, and white. On those squares are black details and scratches. On top of the black detailing is a semi-transparent white layer that allows the colors to peek through, but only slightly. The reels and buttons are stark black in that same sgraffito style.
    Untitled 7
    impressions (prints)
    Charles Boone
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