Viewing 53 items in this data set

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  • A photograph of a watercolor painting. The painting is of a dog sitting on a porch in a backyard. The dog is white with black ears. In the yard behind it is a single tree in front of a fence. A ribbon of triangular flags hangs from the tree to the fence.
    Art Transits 5
    paintings (visual works)
    Florida -81.4639835 27.7567667
  • A multimedia drawing of a head and hands floating in white space. The hands are holding onto either side of the head, with some fingers pressing into the forehead. The face is lowered and scrunched in frustration. They have multicolored skin in tones of blue, green, and yellow. Their short blonde hair is tied into a small ponytail atop their head, and their mouth and nose are covered by a pink COVID face mask.
    paintings (visual works)
    David de Marmol
  • An aerial view painting of a trippy bedroom. Four stone walls are in view, all with purple spirals spotting them. On the left wall is a gated window that resembles an air-vent. There is a blue and white carpet covering half of the floorspace, and next to that, a small bed. A blue person extends comfortably across the bed as they sink into a singular point at its center. Other trippy decorations around the room include a large painting of an eyeball, something that resembles a tree full of hands, as well as a sleeping kitten.
    Pandemica depression
    paintings (visual works)
    Pereira, Colombia
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