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Mary's Meadow 1

Mary Austin

In my garden, I changed things because I had time to change things. I wanted an outdoor occupation because for me being out-of-doors is just the best way to cope, even if I'm only pulling weeds. Obviously I had more time then so I did. I suppose in a way it’s an art.
I think I'm aiming for a meadow, but what I’ve got is a jungle.

This is one of those things that has to do with my theory of gardening: I plant what I want or like. And then I wait to see whether or not it's right. Some of the things that thrive the best tend to take over.

During the first wave of COVID-19, I had so many phlox in my garden that are just starting to bloom now. It’s the pink and white in the background of my picture. Back then, they were taking over the whole garden. So, that first Spring, I stripped out a whole bunch of those and I planted some new things in order to have a kind of middle border of color.

My garden is almost all perennials, and perennials normally don't bloom more than a week or two. So although the coneflowers in the garden are absolutely gorgeous right now, they’re only around for two weeks. I’ve learned it’s about getting the timing right and about having the colors emerge at the right time. So that's why I like to plan. Different colors of those blocks will be in bloom and they range from white to a deep pink to a lighter pink.