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Image 1970

Finding the Good

I was very fortunate during the pandemic to not be in the position of losing employment fully nor losing a close family member to this disease. But like everyone, I did not come through unscathed. In March 2020, I was working as a nurse in clinical research. Everyone in healthcare was seriously stressed during that time. Literally on the day of the announcement that our healthcare system was "shutting down" to all care but emergencies, I tore my meniscus. I didn't know that at the time, because other than hearing a loud pop and collapsing to the floor, I couldn't get any medical care. Luckily, we were allowed to work from home, so I lay on my couch until I could hobble again. It took 3 months before I could get it imaged, and another month before surgery. So, why turn to art during this time? We were mandated to take two days of vacation days each week to save the company money, so I had extra time, and I was hobbled. The sheer emotions that swirled around the world and our community were incredibly chaotic. I knew I wanted to create, but would the art reflect anger, despair, hurt, or hope?

Made with hundreds of caps from lab tubes, this piece honors all who have worked throughout this pandemic to find the good: the scientists, healthcare workers, and patients who volunteered to partake in clinical research so that we could find solutions to this tragedy. Most patients who volunteer to be in a clinical trial say that the main reason they are doing it is to help others who suffer from similar conditions--to "Find the Good" in their disease. I have placed in this piece growing plants that represent LIFE; a waterfall to represent NOURISHMENT (body and soul); and a flower mandala to represent HOPE. You will also see a black circle: it represents those who struggle to find the good and suffer from despair or grief. The black heart represents those who lost their lives in the pandemic. But these spaces are surrounded always by color!

The piece needed a LOT of glue. If it were only so easy to form strong, unbreakable bonds with other people in our community. I was limited in my color choices as well as numbers of caps. Everyone has limits in their lives. My wish is for people to strive to find the beauty in life despite those limitations.