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Alter Ego

Pedro Noguera

Pedro Rafael Noguera, born in Santa Marta-Colombia, known by artistic pseudonym of PETRUS PETRACUS, is an emerging visual artist from the Colombian Caribbean who presents to Creativity in the Time of COVID-19 a portraits series entitled "The Mirror, Four Stories of the Inner SELF Reflection". These Images belong to his most recent photographic work, inspired in some crucial psychic experiences of three characters, during the lockdown period, caused by the Covid-19 pandemic."The Mirror, Four Stories of the Inner SELF Reflection". These Images belong to his most recent photographic work, inspired in some crucial psychic experiences of three characters, during the lockdown period, caused by the Covid-19 pandemic.

In this, Petrus Petracus experiences an honest recall of unusual emotional circumstances experienced by its anonymous protagonists, which were recreated on request, being sensibly captured through his vision:” In the complete privacy and security of rustic bedrooms, its characters were pleased to be portrayed; even, feeling uninhibited, and showed themselves naked with great freedom. It was a special occasion for me to suggest the use of a mirror-tool intended for self-observation or vanity exaltation- as an essential element, due to the narrative purpose of this urban photographic work”

The Mirror, Four Stories of the Inner SELF Reflection, allows us, among many other countless personal experiences occurred in recent pandemic times in particular, how such a dramatic global success, emotionally affected daily lives of four Colombian natives during lockdown. This sad circumstance gave rise to disinhibiting their inner self and acknowledging in it, this meant a heavy burden of adverse emotions, where fear of death was prevalent. However, this fact curiously led them to create self-defense mechanisms: Taking bedroom´s intimacy, freed themselves in body and soul and willing to adopt new behaviors without any prejudice by doing things previously few or none considered. Thus, nudity, putting on makeup or cross-dressing became pleasant activities to daily routine, then more, such as listening to music, reading books or chatting in social networks.
Those unusual habits perhaps mitigated considerably negative effects in their mental and emotional health as a result of long social isolation.

Therefore, being naked or dressed up, or self-contemplation in front of a mirror, could be considered by them a meaningful experience. But, such a daring assumption, perhaps can lead us to think about some other ambiguous meanings…

Photograph 3: “Alter Ego”
"My alter ego, pays homage to a mulatto coastal woman. To personify her since my youth has been a great honor for me; to place myself in the shoes of a woman who has the greatness of bringing a life to the world that is dreaming, is free living without ties and without complexities is an indescribable sensation. And seeing her now in front of the mirror, recognizing in her the passage of time that inevitably shows her imperfections is also a reflection of myself and makes me feel proud. I am a man with the essence of a woman who fights with the strength and courage necessary to face life with dignity and her own merits.
I have never wanted with my alter ego to be seen simply as a man who puts on women's clothes or to look like a woman. I only know that I am a colorful soul that gives life to a character of principles and values called Victoria Eugenia Davila Tres Palacios.
Posing for a camera after 9 years, was a great experience, a cocktail of emotions came back to me, looking at myself in front of a mirror and not having that same physique, youth and vigor of that time made me think that beauty has no stereotypes.
My body like Victoria Eugenia's now means years of maturity, wonderful experiences and accumulated experience... years of struggle as a member of the LGBTI community in Santa Marta and Magdalena and the greatest reward that life has given me, a 10-year-old daughter for whom I fight every day to better myself. Yes, I am the father of a beautiful girl! who still does not know of the existence of Victoria Eugenia, but she will know in due time. Thanks to the education I have given her and the upbringing at home, I have instilled in her that the world is not black and white, but multicolored.
About the confinement is something we were not prepared for, I had many projects this year which have stalled, but it has given us many lessons, feel again the warmth of home, value the little things and love more in family.
• Quote from the protagonist.