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Suggestions: video, installation art, audio

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Moving Image


Angel Ciro Suarez

My partner, Jason, and I loved the idea of doing a video of similar style to the music group OK go. After a quick discussion we were enthusiastic in our ability to put out a fun quality music video. This informs the speed and immediate style of the video, the rest of the components and little sections we have in the video were inspired by two major things. The first being a component of our adventuring habits and the second being a utilization of any materials we had at the time. We would come up with many of the ideas during pre-production and test them before attempting them in the field.

Previously we made a number of films with a larger team but when the lockdown hit all of our initial film plans had come to a halt. My partner Jason had recently created a new IP and gave out an idea to make it a music video. We wanted to be productive during the lockdown and this gave us a reason to create a film, as well as being motivated due to us both very much liking the song.