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Cages 1

Irma Bejarle

Being unable to carry out with my other projects that heavily involve interaction with people, and wanting to create something from material that I already had, as well as taking on a work that was more introspective than the rest of my practice; Yes, it explores extreme loneliness. I realized just how lonely I've always been throughout my life because I've always been confined in my home to some extent, even before the pandemic. As an only child, I've always been overprotected and well guarded in my home or by family members, and just as I was freeing myself in becoming a young adult, the pandemic sent me back to my "cage". I started thinking about homes as very comfortable cages. Some homes are more lavish than others, some are more loving, but they're still confining. Homes keep you safe from the outside, but also isolate you, only letting you live your life by looking from within your room window.