Item description
A black pen drawing on a white background. At the bottom of the piece is a tied plastic bag bulging with water, holding a goldfish. The goldfish rests at the bottom of the bag. The bag remains on the white floor, which fades into a black darkness past the bag. At the top of the piece is a text message conversation beginning on the right side with a gray text bubble and white lettering reading “Have they moved you to the ICU?”. The response continues to the left in three messages in white text bubbles and black lettering: the first, “Yea”; underneath that “It’s on a Covid for, we’re all in glass rooms”; correcting the error is “Floor*”. Next to the piece on the right are the name and the words “Moriah LeFebvre”, “Untitled”, “Ink drawing”, and “2020”.
Image | 2025
Works In Rough Going: Recovery Community and Communication During the Pandemic 9
Moriah LeFebvre
The drawings in this series contain words collected and curated from text message exchanges between members of the recovery community during the COVID-19 pandemic. I paired their messages with the images that these words evoked for me when I took the time to sit with them. Text messages are fleeting and digital; they aren’t meant to last. Yet during the pandemic, these pixels on screens became lifelines. I wanted to honor them, to memorialize them and commit them to permanence, deliberately and slowly. I hand drew all of the pieces in this series, sometimes taking the further step of using the sun to expose and create cyanotype prints of the drawn images.
February 18, 2025
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