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Creating Tiny Bits of Order Amidst Chaos 6

Hello. I have uploaded 10 photos that represent ways I have exercised my creativity during the pandemic. The pandemic started when my son was 6 months old. He is now 2 years old. He has never even been to a grocery store. During the pandemic, I have felt very isolated as a new mother, especially because I am not working. So one way I have tried to deal with this isolation is to find creative ways to show people I care about them. One way is to make bento box style lunches and dinners for my son. Even though he is too young to remember these, and half or 3/4 of it ends up on the floor, it gives me pleasure to make his meal look colorful and inviting. I like showing him that I care about him by giving him meals like this. I don't have time to do this every day, and they certainly don't look like some of the pictures I see on instagram. But it's just my little way of both using my creativity, which really has no other outlet since I'm not working, and showing my son I care about what he eats. It has also helped me focus on designing balanced nutritional meals for him since I have different compartments to fill.