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Suggestions: video, installation art, audio

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Moving Image

Voices 1

Alexis Rosado

I created this work as a way to healthily process my emotions during Covid. The digital shows were created as a way to hear other peoples perspectives and find a way to move forward. The desire was for unity during a time many felt alone.

VOICES: The digital show voices was more of a lifeline for myself. I long for human connection. And getting vulnerable with other creatives in our community was a way for me to gain knowledge, hear art in person and have human connection for an hour long recording. The pandemic experience made me realize we are NOT BUILT to do LIFE ALONE and I notices many creatives were exploring new talents or expanding on gifts they already had. I wanted to use my platform to have creatives encourage creatives, but its because I myself needed encouragement. In addition, I dreamed of having a talk show and this was the first time I said "It's now or never".

POETRY: The poetry pieces were during very specific moments of the Pandemic. Predominately during George Floyd and masks laws. Writing has always been the way I express my internal emotions externally. I had many emotions part of it was angry, part of it was hopeful so I wrote in a way that showcased that.

POETRY: The piece about my first protest was written right after my first protest. My friend Marlee and I chose to attend our first protest. She is caucasian, while I am Latina. I really struggled with the chant "Racist ass police" as protesters said it. However, I could empathize with those marching. So I wrote this later that evening as I was trying to untangle the emotions in my heart and head.

TIME: This art installation was me trying to re-connect with the world. I started thinking about the importance of getting back to normal, and TIME. So I went and connected with local people and created an amazing art installation.