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Suggestions: video, installation art, audio

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Relax, We’re Doing Great 6

A series of 100+ hand stitched artworks capture the bombardment of messaging and rapidly changing language throughout this pandemic period. The artworks depict LED billboards with sky & shrubbery background. The billboard text EG. Maintain Social Distance, Relax, We’re Doing Great; I Can't Breathe; My Body My Choice.

The skies vary with seasons & moods reflecting on how less population movement & factory activity allowed for a small window of environmental rejuvenation amidst the climate disaster we are facing and beyond the extreme bushfires. Becoming darker as people emotionally struggled beyond the initial adrenaline rush of isolation.

The series also includes GIFs of the hand-stitched works which mimic the flickering of LED signage; 3 pink LED ‘neon’ text works; and a video work. The video work, titled ‘Wheel of Fortune’, plays like a poker/slot machine. It uses the images of hand-stitched artworks as the spinning objects to highlight the lottery of language we’ve been exposed to depending on where we live, what media we consume etc within this period of rapid change. It’s a fun piece as well as a commentary on the mixed messaging and appropriation of language. It is 2.05 minutes and loops. Flashing and spinning and 'dinging' sound effects further emphasise the messaging being gambled with.

This is a link to the video.