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Pandemic Running Challenges 10

Stephanie Northway

Stay at Home Order of the pandemic in 2020. I created crazy running challenges and adventures too. I did this for 12 weeks. It helped with my anxiety over the situation, gave my family and I more adventures, and it brought me joy. The running challenges were also great math and art lessons for my son. We started homeschooling and it was an excellent way to make learning fun.
Attached are some of my favorite pictures from my running challenges. My first backyard 100 mile run and my Mt. Everest staircase climb were my favorite!!

Stay at Home Order Running Challenges: ⬇️⬇️
March 15th to June 7th, 2020
1,631 miles
Week #1: 5 marathons
Week #2: 7 marathons in 7 days
Week #3: 100 mile run in my backyard/house
Week #4: 100 mile run in my backyard/house
Week #5: Staircase Mt. Everest climb and 50 miles
Week #6: Aravaipa 100 mile run inside my house
Week #7: Covid-19 mile run inside my house
Week #8: Mother's Day Backyard Ultra, 50 miles
Week #9: Roll the Dice, 131.53 mile run
Week #10: Head Goat 50k (31 miles)
Week #11: Double Mt. Everest climb and 120 miles
Week #12: Sasquatch 100 mile run

I am an ultra marathon runner and teacher. When schools closed down in March 2020, I ended up leaving the classroom for a 100% remote online teaching job. I also pulled my son out of school and began homeschooling. I run a lot of races each year, but everything got canceled. Since all my races were cancelled for several months, I decided to create running challenges at home with the help of my son. I used my running challenges for fun math lessons for my son. We measured the length & width of the backyard, living room, and upstairs. Then we calculated the perimeter of the backyard, living room, and upstairs. Then my son would help count the laps I ran. It was a great way to stay active and a great way for my son to learn!! My son even created medals for me, and we had them made into wooden medals. During the Stay at Home Order of the pandemic, I did 12 weeks of running challenges! Several of those being backyard 100 mile runs or indoor 100 mile runs. We had so much fun!!