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Untitled 1

Kristin Girten

Beauty brings me comfort. I love sketching because of how it brings a dimensional world out of nothing. I love watercolors because of the freedom, flow, and spontaneity—they help me relax because they require you to “keep it loose.” I love embroidery for an opposite reason—because of the precision and detail, the predictability.
My brain has tended to get busy and overwhelming with the pandemic. My anxiety has definitely increased. The art/craft has helped me quiet my brain through focus on the beauty and activity. It has comforted me by giving my peace (peaceful setting and composition) in spite of such a stressful time.
I often do embroidery while sitting outside on our deck and enjoying the evening air. I believe that investing in beauty is meaningful in an almost spiritual way. It feels like I’m communing with something bigger than me, something even infinite. It helps me cope with mortality.