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CTC-19 poster presentation

College age students standing in an auditorium discussing poster presentations. 

In loving memory of Christopher Smit 


Washu in St. Louis

Simona Sarafinovska, BA, MD/PhD trainee at Washington University in St. Louis 

Craig Pearson, MD, PhD, Psychiatry Resident in the MGH/McLean General Adult Psychiatry Residency Program, Boston, MA. 

Sarah Ash, Yue Ma, and Grace Archer.



Lead: Cody Mejeur, PhD. 

Curator: Shirley Verrrico

Famous Clark

Blair Johnson

Morgan Sammut


United States Air Force Academy

Lead: Lt. Col. Jessica Lopez, PhD.  

Curator: Darya Warner



Lead PI: Natalie Phillips, PhD. 

PI Julian Chambliss, PhD. 

Soohyun Cho, PhD. 

Tushya Mehta

Neha Navathe

Sydney Logsdon

Paige Seidell

Quynh Tong 

Carina Assabov

Marine Avequin 

Lorraine Inman

Sinclair Portis

Natalie Sietz

Natalie Liliensiek

Michelle Danaj

Tammy Hoebecke

Michael Stokes

Jessica Stokes

Madge Bice

Jacob Okulewicz

Ritesh Khandelwal

Autumn English

Tedda Hughes, JD


East Lansing

SCENE Metrospace - Lauren Gerig, MFA and Jacquelynn Sullivan Gould, MFA

LookOut! Gallery, Steven Baibak, MFA

Alyssa Briones



Agile Humanities

DisArt - Jill Vyn

Artist Anuj Vaidya

Poet and Professor Divya Victor, PhD.

HIVES zine

Vivek Vellanki, PhD.

Peter Johnston, MA



Norwest Gallery

Murals in the Market- Holly Johnson and Roula David


San Francisco, Phoenix, and Boston

Marked by Covid - Kristin Urquiza, MPA

Sara Senk, PhD. 

Sara V. Press, PhD.

Meredith Solomon

Yasmina Kamal


South Korea

People First