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Browsing 1459 items in our archive
The Letterpress Quilt Project Detail 5
Brenda McManusA bed, neatly made with dark gray pillows, a patterned gray, black and blue comforter with orange stitching and underside. The pattern has large black letters and numbers such as N, W, Y, H, S, o, 3, and 2 with smaller U, D and C’s in blue and light gray behind it, on a white background. The bed is sitting on a dark wooden frame and headboard with two floating nightstands, on a light wood floor and modern black railing to the right.View item -
The Letterpress Quilt Project Detail 6
Brenda McManusA close-up of a quilted comforter with orange stitching and a black, white and light blue pattern. The pattern contains large, capital letters such as N, Y and W. In smaller but still large letters are O, 3, 5, and R scattered and layered on top of each other.View item -
The Mask project
A white man with short black and gray hair and thick black and gray eyebrows. His eyes are squinted, as if smiling underneath a fabric COVID mask. The mask has a vibrant fish pattern. The fish are multicolored with all of the colors of the rainbow, swimming against a dark blue background. The man is wearing a white shirt and is standing in front of tall, white cabinets.View item -
The Miller's Daughter from Rumpelstiltskin
A paper collage depicting the miller’s daughter from the fairytale “Rumplestiltskin”. The collage portrays a room with a brown paper brick wall and a floor with a yellow, white, and brown patterned floor. To the left side of the room is a container holding uncooked spaghetti noodles to represent straw, and a spindle with a metal chain coming out of it, leading to a pile of glittery gold paper; representing straw being spun into gold.View item -
The Month of March was a Broken Record 1
A photograph of a vintage magnavox cabinet stereo on a tan carpet in front of a white wall. The stereo is wooden, with two cabinet doors in the center and an inset rectangle speaker with a criss-cross pattern on both edges. The wood is carved and very detailed. Below it is a snapchat caption that reads “Lets give the old girl some new life”, and hanging on the wall above it is a green flag with a white MSU spartan logo.View item -
The Month of March was a Broken Record 2
A photograph of a vintage magnavox cabinet stereo on tan carpet with a white wall and a staircase in the background. The cabinet is made of wood, with two narrow rectangular speakers on either end of the front and two cabinet doors in the center. The sliding lid is closed.View item -
The Month of March was a Broken Record 3
A photograph of an upcycled vintage cabinet stereo on a tan carpet in front of a white wall. The cabinet doors are painted royal blue with three gold stripes going from the inside to the outside edge on both doors. The sliding top of the cabinet is the same shade of blue on the doors. On top of the cabinet are jars with puffy white decorative plants sticking out and four cocktail glasses.View item -
The Month of March was a Broken Record 4
A photograph of an upcycled vintage cabinet stereo on a tan carpet in front of a white wall. The cabinet doors are painted royal blue with three gold stripes going from the inside to the outside edge on both doors. The sliding top of the cabinet is the same shade of blue on the doors. The sliding lid is open and the cabinet is lit up from inside with blue light, revealing bottles and glasses stored within. On top of the closed side of the cabinet are a jar with puffy white decorative plants sticking out and two cocktail glasses.View item -
The Month of March was a Broken Record 5
A photograph of an upcycled vintage magnavox cabinet stereo. The body and drawers are painted a dark grayish-blue; the speakers and all the carved wooden details and handles have been painted gold. On top of the cabinet are four plants on the left, a white gaming console and a basket in the middle, and another plant on the right.View item -
The Oregon Chub 1
Samantha EarleyA handmade book with a linocut print book cover. The print depicts a fish swimming underwater. The outline of the fish is black while the details are blue and brown. The background of the print has blue ripples that are surrounded by brown. The print is on white fabric and sewn onto the red fabric cover with red thread. Bright blue ribbon binds the book in two spaces, with two bows made on the opening side of the book. Attached to the bows are small seashells.View item -
The Oregon Chub 2
Samantha EarleyA linocut block print inside of a book. The print depicts a fish swimming underwater. The outline of the fish is black while the details are red and gray. The background of the print has gray ripples that are surrounded by black and red. On the left page is text that is partially cut off; what is visible of the top row reads “Oregon Chub was”, what is visible of the middle reads “as endangered”, and what is visible of the bottom reads “1993 (“Oregon Chub”).”View item -
Moving Image
The Path (Film)
Connie MannaView item -
The Path (Still)
Connie MannaAn acrylic painting of a pathway, with some areas shrouded in darkness and others illuminated in light. The pathway is surrounded by walls and is partially covered by a roof that resembles the wavy panels of a tin roof. The walls and floor are a light gray with faint blue and red undertones. The areas where the roof covers the path are reflected black onto the ground, and the areas where there is no roof show the lightness of the ground. As the path continues into the distance, it turns white with outside light.View item -
The Poppy Project
Maggie BandstraA photo of a painting of a poppy field in Michigan. The artist used dye, ink, and oil paint to create the work on a canvas. The poppies are red, orange, and pink and are surrounded by light and dark green grass and stems. There are some small purple poppies as well.View item -
The Steadfast Tin Soldier
A section of a quilt that depicts the fairy tale “The Steadfast Tin Soldier” The block has a green and white triangular patterned background. To the bottom right of the block is a soldier with an amputated leg, looking longingly to a ballerina on top of a set of stairs. In between the soldier and stairs is a jack in the box with a person coming out of the box, meant to represent a politician who votes against ADA regulations and infrastructure.View item -
The Surrealist's Trombone
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Moving Image
The Tunnel (Film)
Connie MannaView item -
The Tunnel (Still)
Connie MannaAn acrylic painting of an empty train tunnel. The platform to the left, before the train tracks, is painted in a gradient so the edges are black and the middle is white. Before the tracks is a thick yellow line that separates the deepness of the tracks from the platform on both sides. On the wall of the platform to the right are red, yellow, and black posters that reflect onto the ground of the platform.View item -
The Vibrant Village 1
A brightly colored abstract painting, acrylic on wood panel, inspired by the city of San Antonio. Lines and shapes predominantly in shades of yellow, green, teal, red, and orange create a warm and vibrant image. Hidden inside of the painting, abstracted by the busy shapes and lines, is a bicycle, a bus, a flower, and several suggestions of city grids, parks, and buildings.View item -
The Vibrant Village 10
An abstract, acrylic on wood painting representing the city of San Antonio. Highlighted in the piece are three circles; one with a city skyline, one with roads and an airplane, and one with a view of the city from above. Surrounding the circles are clouds, various geometric shapes, and blue lines that curve throughout the piece.View item -
The Vibrant Village 2
A colorful abstract acrylic painting on wood, inspired by the city of San Antonio. A bright teal blue provides the basis for a multitude of swirling colors– dark blue, yellow, red, orange, green, and more. Lines within the painting create rounded shapes. Hidden among these are gardens of flowers, houses, parks and buildings of San Antonio as vividly colored as their surroundings.View item -
The Vibrant Village 3
A vivid abstract painting, acrylic on wood, inspired by the city of San Antonio. Swirling bright blues, greens, yellows, reds and oranges at the top of the image meet earthy green round shapes reminiscent of cacti at the bottom of the image. Hidden within the painting is an eyeball, several fancy red cars, as well as shapes reminiscent of city grids and cul-de-sacs.View item -
The Vibrant Village 4
A vivid abstract painting, acrylic on wood, inspired by the city of San Antonio. The predominant colors of the image, pumpkin orange and bright teal-blue, swirl with numerous other colors to create a graphic painting. Hidden within the painting are equally vividly colored leafy plants, gardens, city grids, and buildings reminiscent of the city.View item -
The Vibrant Village 5
A vivid abstract painting, acrylic on wood panel, inspired by the city of San Antonio. A dark maroon shape through the center of the image is suggestive of a curvy city street. Around this, bright shades swirl, creating the impression of city grids nestled among abstract shapes. San Antonio buildings hide amongst the bustle of the painting.View item -
The Vibrant Village 6
A vivid abstract painting, acrylic on wood, inspired by San Antonio. A grassy lawn at the top left corner of the image collides with brightly colored abstracted city grids in the rest of the image. Hidden amongst the busy shapes are cowboy boots, and features of the city of San Antonio.View item