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The Miller's Daughter from Rumpelstiltskin

"The Miller's Daughter from Rumpelstiltskin" collage: This idea was originally conceived to be part of "Once upon a Disability," but time constraints of the Artist-in-Residency prevented that. However, I did want to include the image as part of the exhibit at Main Line Art Center because it speaks to a situation that affects me directly. This is paper collage with assemblage including spaghetti, yarn, thread, and metal chain.

The Miller's Daughter has a developmental disability and dyslexia, and she has trained for years to learn how to spin straw into gold. She can literally make money for any employer that will hire her. However, despite being capable of doing the job she's applying for, when she goes onto the Rumpelstiltskin Corp. website to apply, she is overwhelmed by the questions being asked and that personality test that must be submitted along with her resume. A call to Human Resources has assured her that the ONLY way to apply for a job is to fill out the online application BY HERSELF!