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I uploaded a fraction of the total works I've created during the pandemic, as art has been my one true vice and coping mechanism, and I've created something nearly every single day since COVID-19 hit the US.

Each piece has varying themes, stories, mediums, and purposes, but are united by three things that earmark my experience through the pandemic (1) my desire for escapism (2) the collective societal angst and feeling of obligation to capture the times and (3) the desire to spread joy and give back in small ways.

HEY HUMANS (Oil Painting of turtle) I missed scuba diving and my love of oceans during the pandemic, and thought lovingly of the beautiful creatures below that had zero clue what we were experiencing on the surface. Sea creatures actually thrived by not having so much human traffic, tourism pollution, and disruption to their beautiful homes below. I used this painting not only as escapism for me, but as a reminder to us humans that even after the pandemic, we need to be aware of how much we are impacting the worlds we cannot see, and named it HEY HUMANS.