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Wanda Tyner

Wanda’s nature-inspired glass art depicts a story that flows from realistic representations to abstract interpretations with 3D elements that add depth and reflections. Wanda manipulates and forms glass into shapes with heat, flow, dimension, patterns and texture bringing vibrant colors to life.

Watching the hummingbirds, butterflies and bees as they enjoy the flowers in my garden. These flowers are Dinnerplate Impela hibiscus.

Artistic Process: The glass hummingbird, butterfly, hibiscus flowers, bee and ladybug are kiln-casted. A rare earth magnet was epoxied to the back of each. This attaches them to the brushed stainless steel and allows for the composition to be changed around. It also raises up each creating light and reflections.

Alcohol inks were applied to the brushed stainless steel to create the background. The brushed stainless steel (painted with alcohol inks) is wired for hanging.