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Red Berry Tree

Beryl Brenner

I was born in New York City and have lived there all of my life. Consequently, my ideas about nature were formed there. My lifelong ideas of nature were cemented by visits to Prospect Park and Central Park which were both manmade parks that were designed by Frederick Law Olmsted. Olmsted was the Father Of Landscape Design and is responsible for designing many of the major park systems in N. America.
One of the strange aspects of growing up in the city is that the locals often prefer their nature to be manmade because that is what they primarily know. In a million years, most people would never, ever guess that the #1 American city with the greatest diversity of trees is New York City. That is because of Central Park and the work of Frederick Law Olmsted.

Now the city has a new group of trees; my series The Funky Forest. It is a series of whimsical trees. They are made of fused glass. Each one is different and like most forests they coexist in their diversity.