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- dcterms:spatial: -73.9497211
Bruce MackleyA large illuminated, three dimensional sculpture on a wooden pedestal. The sculpture as a whole resembles a large prescription pill bottle that glows from within; the individual pieces forming that shape are cylindrical orange pill bottles stacked on top of each other for the bottom, and white pill bottle caps forming the tapered top. Contained within the bottles is an organic shape that blocks the light. The wooden pedestal base has four legs with six decorative bars crossing between them.View item -
Cooking in covid times
Angie VegaAn image of various vegetables (tomato, onion, garlic, spinach) and orange broth in a pot.View item -
Coral Without Color
Beryl BrennerA multimedia artwork made with recycled cardboard, markers, and other objects. On a brown background are black, gray, and teal waves. Pieces of white styrofoam are spread throughout the piece. White ribbon sticks out of the styrofoam, resembling bleached coral.View item -
Corona Fighter
Puja JhaA detailed, colorful, mithila painting with a patterned border split into 7 boxes. The top left shows covid structures surrounding a crying earth. To the right is a cityscape behind two masked people standing far apart. Next is a patient lying on a hospital bed, holding a doctor's hand in full protection equipment. On the bottom left is a person in a mask spraying something along a path. Next is a masked person in law enforcement attire holding a baton to a surprised, unmasked person. Next is a person working a fruit stand, wearing a mask.View item -
Moving Image
Covid 19: Chapter 1 + 2
Chanika SvetvilasView item -
Covid Acts of Joy
Howard SchubinerSimply a description of some small acts of creativity and enjoyment.View item -
Covid Christmas 2020
Donna SharitsA photograph of a mixed-media shadowbox. On the back of the box, in large white letters, is the word “COVID”. Below it is an assortment of objects including two broken vintage white porcelain angels, one of which is laying in a green face mask. Surrounding them are several disk-shaped holographic objects, tiny silver Christmas bulb ornaments, and a small torn out calendar for the month of December.View item -
Covid Chronicles 1
Ellen Shattuck PierceAn abstract linoleum print, proofed with black ink and carved to reveal details in white. The top portion has a person sitting in a windowed room, holding a chain for an anchor that reaches down to the bottom. Next to the windowed room is a cloud with the figure of a person’s airways and lungs filled with white dots coming from the wave of water next to it. The wave overlaps a bar graph. Beside the wave, a plane labeled with the word “patriots” in capital letters flies upwards, and a COVID mask falls from the open plane door.View item -
Covid Chronicles 10
Ellen Shattuck PierceAn abstract linoleum print, proofed with black ink and carved to reveal details in white. In the center is a street, a child wearing a short dress and holding an umbrella walks down holding an open container, white dots pouring out of it. In the bottom portion is a truck labeled “patriots” in capital letters and people standing around. Next to it, a Black Lives Matter protest is beside COVID testing tents. In the top portion of the piece, hilled forms with broken eggs and eye symbols fill the space. A truck drives away from a hill of used gloves and COVID masks.View item -
Covid Chronicles 2
Ellen Shattuck PierceAn abstract linoleum print, proofed with black ink and carved to reveal details in white. In the center, a person sits at a table with a respirator mask. On the table is a symbol of America overlapped with a flag, the stripes from the flag holding down a heart and bust statues of people. Next to the table, a carton of milk is tipped over and spills outwards, creating a flood at the bottom of the piece. Above the person, eyes cry tears, next to an angel with wings that are lungs, and a sun in the right corner.View item -
Covid Chronicles 3
Ellen Shattuck PierceAn abstract linoleum print, proofed with black ink and carved to reveal details in white. In the top right corner is a depiction of the White House, four people wearing COVID masks stand in front of it. Following a factory line from the front of the white house, down throughout the piece are small objects that resemble vaccine vials that gather in the bottom right corner and also come from other conveyor belts from the left. Beneath the White House are a large set of steps, lined with officers, at the bottom of the steps a procession of US Capitol Police officers stand in a salute.View item -
Covid Chronicles 4
Ellen Shattuck PierceAn abstract linoleum print, proofed with black ink and carved to reveal details in white. Winding from the bottom left to the right is a pathway of people, all masked, that leads to the Capitol building. Lining the pathway to the right side is a bunch of upright nails that form a swirl in the right corner. Above the Capitol building is a clock that breaks apart into a vortex at the center of the piece, warping the scene. On the left side is a barbed wire fence and a person nailing a wooden coffin shut. Above the scene in the top left corner, a gloved hand examines vaccine vials.View item -
Covid Chronicles 5
Ellen Shattuck PierceAn abstract linoleum print, proofed with black ink and carved to reveal details in white. Three school children wearing COVID masks walk towards a bus stop sign on a sidewalk. Next to the sidewalk is a garden of sunflowers and trees. Above the garden, dotted forms that could be mountains or clouds fill the space. Next to the garden on the right is a pile that covers about five handguns. Flying above the children are two angels, one on the right holding a laptop.View item -
Covid Chronicles 6
Ellen Shattuck PierceAn abstract linoleum print, proofed with black ink and carved to reveal details in white. Water floods an outdoor scene. To the left side, a person stands chest deep in the water wearing hospital scrubs, in their left hand is a pair of goggles and in their right a COVID mask, held above the water in front of them. Below them, a skull floats beneath the water. They are separated by a street that continues down the middle of the scene, trees and houses in the background.View item -
Covid Chronicles 7
Ellen Shattuck PierceAn abstract linoleum print, proofed with black ink and carved to reveal details in white. In the center, a person with a COVID mask sits at a school desk, a laptop opened in front of them. Behind them, a bunch of papers fly through the air. Surrounding the person are hands stretched into different poses: to the right, hands with fingers interlocked; in the center, hands with their pointer finger and thumb pressed together; and to the left, hands with fingers interlocked, only the thumbs pressing together.View item -
Covid Chronicles 8
Ellen Shattuck PierceAn abstract linoleum print, proofed with black ink and carved to reveal details in white. An aerial view reveals a country setting, divided into two sections at the top. On the left, fields that hold the logos of different food brands: triscuit, nestle, oreo, nutella, pringles, skippy, cheetos, thomas, teddie, and doritos. A plane flies above with the words “family size” in capital letters on a banner. An english muffin drips butter to the thick line separating the top from the bottom, a carriage pulled by horses races down it.View item -
Covid Chronicles 9
Ellen Shattuck PierceAn abstract linoleum print, proofed with black ink and carved to reveal details in white. On a striped background, different motifs fill the scene. From the left, a pair of hands reach up and hold the figure of a person, a building and black stripes overlapping them. Within the bottom portion, a large wave laps upwards. A person on a small board stands and paddles through the calm water.View item -
Covid Collage Project 1
A photograph of a mixed media collage made from magazine scraps. On top of black, sparkly paper is a cutout of a person with long hair, wearing a black top, in grayscale. Their eyes are cut out and replaced with a dark red, and their nose and mouth are replaced with a black scrap to resemble a mask. There is a red scrap resembling a barrette in their hair and a yellow, plaid scrap on their shirt.View item -
Covid Collage Project 2
A photograph of a mixed media collage made from magazine scraps with a sparkly pink background. A light skinned person with shoulder-length blonde hair is wearing a blue jacket with cutouts of luscious green and brown tree branches on top. Their neck has a pink cutout to the left and a butterfly wing cutout towards the bottom. Their eyes are cut out and replaced with green scraps and the shadows of their face are replaced by different colored paper scraps. There is a large scrap of metallic orange and yellow paper covering the bottom half of their face like a mask.View item -
Covid Collage Project 3
A photograph of a mixed media collage made out of magazine scraps with a gold, sparkly background. There is a person turned to the side, with long, ginger hair. They are wearing a yellow shirt, and scraps of different patterned paper such as green leaves and gray beams cover parts of their hair and neck. Their one visible eye is cut out and replaced with a pink scrap of paper. There is a reflective, gold scrap placed over the bottom half of their face like a mask.View item -
Covid Collage Project 4
A photograph of a mixed media collage of a person made from magazine scraps with a gold, sparkly background. They are wearing a dark yellow head wrap and a pink shirt, with scraps of patterned paper such as pink flowers and green leaves decorating them. Their face is turned to the left , their eyes and shadows cut out and replaced with neon scraps and a large dark blue scrap of paper covers the bottom half of their face resembling a mask.View item -
Covid Collage Project 5
A photograph of a mixed media collage made from magazine scraps with a blue, sparkly background. There is a dark skinned person with an afro, wearing a long, black and red dress, details cut out and replaced with scraps of tree photographs. Their eyes are cut out and replaced with scraps of brown paper, and a piece of metallic, brown paper covers the bottom half of their face like a mask.View item -
Covid Collage Project 6
A photograph of a mixed media collage made with magazine scraps on a silver, sparkly background. There is a dark-skinned person with long, braided hair, scraps of purple, pink, and orange covering their hair. They are wearing a long, light blue, collared jacket, decorated with cut out scraps of different green paper. Their shadows are replaced with yellow and pink paper, and their eyes are replaced with metallic red paper. There is a colorful, iridescent scrap of paper covering the bottom half of their face like a mask.View item -
Covid Collage Project 7
A photograph of a mixed media collage of a person, made with magazine scraps on a silver, sparkly background. They have short, ginger hair, and are wearing a red outfit, covered in scraps of different patterned paper. One of their eyes is cut out and replaced with a cream-colored scrap of paper, the shadows of their face replaced with different green paper scraps. A large, metallic red scrap covers the bottom half of their face like a mask.View item -
Covid Collage Project 8
A photograph of a mixed media collage made from magazine scraps on a pink, sparkly background. There is a dark skinned person wearing a black suit jacket and white shirt, details cut out and replaced with different scraps of patterned paper, such as a rocky terrain and moss. The shadows of their face are replaced with different patterned paper such as blue water reflections and a large scrap of dark pink, sparkly paper covers their face resembling a maskView item
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