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Image 1970

Membranes 2

Jennifer Cabral

The coronavirus is thought to spread from person-to-person mainly among those who are in close contact with one another within 6 feet. This negative space where no interaction is permitted is here represented as circumferences over a series of family photos and everyday objects.

As an immune-deficient individual, I am impeded of having contact with my family, separated by state mandates of no travel, and the fear of mutual contamination. The 6FT social Distancing becomes almost a solace: “even if we were together, we would be apart”.

An invisible sphere separates within from without. Like A cell membrane. It is a permeable space where a lack of trust of our immediate surroundings - “is it contaminated?” - is alternated with the fear of that which is beyond our immediate circle.
Household spaces, surfaces and objects become possible vectors. I PHOTOGRAPHED My IMMEDIATE environment which was once comforting and familiar and now became a foreign body. The circles serve as warnings when over objects within my reach, while when over photographs I’ve taken over the years of my family becomes an evocation for protection.

These spheres are reminders of the cellular connection between all matter and a symbolic shield of immunity, a sort of geometric spell so nothing penetrates our membranes.