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Starbodies 1

During the time of COVID-19 I found myself unable to attend photography conferences, social events and outings as usual. Feeling the creative bug I began a body of work which I called Accessible Journey. The project features photographic images created from inside the vehicle. Landscape photography is inherently dangerous for the visually impaired (I'm almost completely blind) and this project quickly became an adventure with resulting photographs that could have been taken by someone who is vision or mobility restricted. This work came to represent the loneliness I was feeling from the lockdowns. The image of this abandoned cabin became the iconic work form that project, because of the lonely feeling introduced by the black and white treatment of the image, and the deteriorating condition of the building. Before the COVID lockdowns, I created a collection of images called Landscapes of the body, an abstract and inclusive assortment of images featuring the nude human form. Being unable to create more work for my project, I found myself lost in dreams about photography. This image, which is from the upcoming Starbodies collection is the first in a idealized representation of the human form. All of the aspects of this projects were created from textures around the house and combined with my Landscapes of the Body imagery. This project is slated to be released next year and you are the first to see it. for the original project. Accessible Journey 3 is another image from the accessible Journey project and this was taken at the height of summer at Lake Marie in Wyoming. Normally, this lake would be teaming with visitors and people fishing, but the lockdowns curtailed all of that. It feels like the lake is pristine and waiting for the lockdowns to be over and people to return.