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World Ensemble - Parts, Together 2

Nathan Fischer

Parts, Together (title) is digital art and music combined and can be viewed at:

The Twisted Spruce World Ensemble started as a response to the pandemic, offering the opportunity for musicians to perform in an ensemble when it was impossible to do so. 2020 was an inclusive community project of 100 diverse guitarists whose recordings are set to animation by Chia-Hsin Lee (Taiwan). The animation underscores the narrative that we are a global community, uniquely diverse, and #AloneTogether. We created this project as a way for people to connect or feel connected while in isolation. The music score for Parts, Together, is an original composition for this project by Australian (Perth based) composer Azariah Felton. The audio was recorded by each guitarist independently and was mixed and mastered by D. James Tagg (USA). Project management and artistic vision came from Nathan Fischer (USA). The recordings that combine to create Parts, Together came from guitarists representing Australia, Belarus, Brazil, Canada, China, Croatia, Czech Republic, Germany, Iceland, Israel, Italy, Malaysia, Mexico, Philippines, Poland, Russia, Singapore, Spain, Thailand, Turkey, Serbia, the United Kingdom, the USA, and Vietnam.