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Use of child's creativity to cope with the pandemic 6

Headwaters Relief Organization

Headwaters Relief Organization created a series of coloring books, starting with "When We All Stayed Home", "When We All Wore Masks" and "When We All Got Vaccinated" as the pandemic progressed, to support families and children coping with the uncertainties of a world with Coronavirus.

These books explained COVID-19 to children and their families and helped them identify normal emotional responses and process their feelings about what they are experiencing.

As children engaged in the artwork and coloring, the disease COVID-19 is explained in the story. The book also includes tips for adults on communication with children about coronavirus; common questions children may have; skills to teach children to protect themselves; common reactions children have to stress; supportive ideas for adults providing homeschooling and supportive strategies for self-care for those providing homeschooling.

Over 14,000 copies of these books were printed and distributed free to children of 50 States, and seven countries internationally, all possible through donations. Two versions of these books were also translated to Spanish.