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Suggestions: video, installation art, audio

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Santanu Dey

COVID-19 is the biggest global event—and challenge—of our lifetimes. As such, it is changing human attitudes and behaviours today and forcing organizations to respond. However, the need to respond won’t end when the virus’s immediate threat eventually recedes.

In the future, we will find a return to normalcy in many aspects of life. But there’s no question that many things will change, possibly forever. COVID-19 has altered the experience of being a customer, an employee, a citizen and a human. Expect to see behavior shifts for some time to come.

We, the Humans have evolved to be social creatures. They are wired to live in interactive groups. Being isolated from family, friends and colleagues can be unbalancing and traumatic for most people and can result in short or even long-term psychological and physical health problems.

When one looks at masses of people trapped in fear and uncertainty, many of them high on anxiety, depression and frustration, it is a volcanic situation which can be triggered off with any little provocation.

The series depicts a story behind Coronavirus and its impact on people & nature. From cities under lockdown to most affected communities, I look at how the people are desperately trying to be normal as the outbreak of the deadly virus COVID-19 affects lives around the world.

I have become more patient and thoughtful.