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Temple's Growth 1

Whitney Whitfield

COVID-19 forced me to face parts of my life and mental health in a way that was so unfamiliar to me. It was a time of self-discovery, awakening, and healing for me, my family, friends, and my community. I felt like I was losing bits of myself during quarantine, I didn't understand my place in the world, and struggled with the fact that I could not, and cannot be in control of every aspect of my life. My mental health was suffering, the tears were endless and no longer cathartic, something had to give. I was always optimistic and bubbly, but I felt that person slipping away the more I watched the news and saw people who looked like me, taken from this world; families broken by violence, disease, and sickness; hatred spread across platforms meant for unity and community. So, one day, I went for a walk. That walk became a hike, and that hike yielded feelings of hope, promise, love, and excitement - so I continued. I would take pictures of what made me feel safe and content so that when I was working long hours, feeling down about my place in the world, and confused about my path, I would look at the photos I took. On my journey, through Covid-19, I discovered self-love. I got comfortable with being alone and expressing myself; taking up space and embracing what brings me peace. The ebb and flow of life cannot be escaped and is not something to fear. There are times of trials and tribulations, but the sun will come out again, and all that rain, whether it be storms or showers, it too shall pass, and what is left is often times beautiful. I've discovered this in nature on my hikes. Sure, life can be tough - legs sore, sweaty, and feet dirty, but in the end, your endurance has improved, your resilience has returned, and your eyes have been pleased by the beauty of what is truly and naturally in this world. The trees are resilient - the roots are deep, the trunk sturdy, the leaves resilient, all while providing protection, healing, nourishment, and more. I can go on and on about what these photos mean to me - they are proof that the sun does shine again, and there is love and beauty all around us. When I am alone, I am not lonely. I am uniquely made, and that is okay. I struggle sometimes, and THAT is okay. We fall and falter, but we get back up again, and to me that matters. So while COVID-19 was scary, ugly, and relentless, I hope these photos remind you all that there is still beauty in the world, even when it feels like the world is falling apart around us.