Make a Wish
I have uploaded two images of paintings.
The two narratives that the paintings consider are not limited to times of lockdowns and restrictions. In these works, I consider the emotional connections and contradictions to the circumstances, events, and places.
The piece titled “Make a Wish” is based on an idea that came to me during 2020 at the beginning of the pandemic. It considers the dialogue between a desire or wish and the challenge of accomplishing that goal. This piece is not only about being bound by the chains of thought culture and circumstance, but also about breaking those chains. Stretching and making a gap in the links that can open possibilities. Any wish or hope stands open and exposed whether chained or not. Breaking that chain and experiencing the freedom can be a terrifying vulnerability. During the lockdowns, the wish could have been as simple as going to a grocery store and yet something that was not safe at that time.
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