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An acrylic and oil painting on canvas. The painting depicts a person with tan skin and wavy blonde hair wearing a white jewel headband, a loose white scarf, blue shawl, and red long-sleeved shirt. Their expression is somber, and their green eyes look upwards. They are holding a crying baby with sparse blonde hair. In the baby’s left hand is a white and red COVID cell and in their right is a vaccination syringe with the needle pointed upwards. Below the baby’s nose is a blue COVID mask. Printed on their blue long-sleeve shirt is a black and white sheep. Two gold circles surround the person and child while the rest of the background is black.
Image 2024

Untitled 5

Dana Ellyn

I am a full time painter living and working in downtown Washington DC. I have always painted current events and reacted to the world around me. As soon as the COVID-19 pandemic became front page news in 2020, I began creating virus-themed work from my downtown studio. I created close to 100 unique paintings that documented the constantly mutating “facts" surrounding this once in a lifetime global phenomenon.